"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."라는 문구가 왼쪽의 지팡이와 함께 있는 인용문 포스터. 베이지색 배경에 검은색 텍스트로 해리포터™ 영화의 알버스 덤블도어가 인용한 문구가 있습니다.
Harry Potter™ - Hogwarts School Poster
Harry Potter™ - Hedwig and the Letter Poster
Harry Potter™ - The Wands Poster
Harry Potter™ - Wand Motions Poster
Magical Train Poster
Harry Potter™ - Platform 9 3/4 Poster
Harry Potter™ - Marauder's Map Poster
Harry Potter™ - The Deathly Hallows Poster
Harry Potter™ - I Solemnly Swear Poster
Harry Potter™ - You Can Always Find Them Poster
Fantastic Beasts™ - Niffler Sketch Poster
Harry Potter™ - Hogwarts Crest Poster